Monday 21 February 2011

How to insert affiliate banners to blogger header

By this useful article you teach that how to add Affiliate Banners to free Blog Blogger. If your objective is to create cash from your Blogger Blog by  an affiliate marketing banners to  inserting it in Blogger header. No doubt you have looked abundance of websites generous advertising banners which are making income for the author by way of banner clicks. With a small amount of tweaking to your blogger  templates providing  earning facility to your blogger blog. There are selections of good places for a banners but the header of  blogger blog is by faraway the most important area. Regrettably blogger does not have an easy capacity for including an advertising banner into your blogger header. Now I describe following  two options:

1.     Apply custom template that comes banner ready. (There are a number of templates         out  there with this quality fixed)

2.     Customize your accessible standards Blogger template 

This article focuses on two choices: how to go about control yourself your template to include affiliate banner ads. By the end of this discussion of article you will have the essential knowledge and recognize how to include a banner into the header of your blogger blog. The stage of trouble for the additions I am proposing I have rated as simple to in-between. You will be inserting a clip of code to your template pasting in the affiliate marketing banner code. For the purposes of this instance you should be use a 468x60 banner
Herbert, Rounders, Denim, Thisaway, Son of Moto, Sand Dollar 

It will also work on custom templates that do not already come up to with an advertising banner in the built in header portion. If you required Search Engine friendly templates please read my useful article How you get SEO Friendly template for your Blogger Blog.

Now I teach you step by step directions how you will include an Affiliate Banner into your free Blog Blogger see at the following suggestion with carefully.

1.     It is very necessary that Login and navigate to Layout then  Edit HTML page of your Blogger and Edit HTML page you will look the option to back up your template by downloading it to your system. I strongly advise that avoid from mistakes and take this opportunity to backup as you are about to create an adjustment to your template where if something goes wrong you may not be able to restore it. Formerly you have backed up your template put a check in the Expand Widget Templates box. Seek your template and locate the following lines of code within the header section of the template:(note you can search by using CTRL + F command and entering  into the search box

<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:useImage'>

2.    Now include the following two lines of code directly below <b:includable id='main'>and before <b:if cond='data:useImage'>

<div class='ads'>

3.    Put your merchant affiliate code between the lines of code you just included. You will require to copy the code from the affiliate program supplier to your template. If you are yet to sign up for an advertising program such as Link share you will require doing so before you continue. On the other hand you could utilize my banner code in the meantime to test this banner and later replacement it for your own.


4.    Analysis the code you have entered. If you have followed the steps above you will now have code that resembles this. ( In this regard Your affiliate code will look like different):

<b:includable id='main'>
<div class='ads'>
<a href="" style="text-decoration: none;" title="Get Chitika | Premium"><img src="" border="0"alt="Get Chitika | Premium" title="Get Chitika | Premium" /></a>
<b:if cond='data:useImage'>

5.    When you are sure you have correctly inserted the code into the template scroll up until you find this line in your template]]></b:skin>. Directly before this line add the following lines:

/* Header Banner
----------------------------------------------- */
#header .ads{width:480px; height:80px; float:right; padding:20px 0px 0px 0px}

6.    Click on Save Template and click on View Blog to view your new banner.

Problems and Troubleshooting

    i.    If you want to modify the position or padding around the banner to your own conditions you will require to modify the CSS stylesheet code entered in Step above
ii.    You can modify the position of the banner by changing float:right; to float:left; if you would like your banner to left align.
iii.    If you modify your template for another standard Blogspot template you may require re-entering the code in above.

I hope you like this tutorial too much if you have learned it carefully how to include a 468x60 affiliate marketing banner into the header of your Blogger Blog and now you can earn more money from Affiliate marketing banners.

The above article will be useful for new blogger owners and other friends, if you like please leave  your comments.


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