Wednesday 16 March 2011

How to create Blogger blog Make Money easily

By this article I will learn new users how to create free blog Blogger before making of Blog I want to short introduce of Blogger Blog. The Blogger Blog is hosted by Google with Subdomain of In the year of 2004, Blogger introduced a main redesign, adding features such as web standards-compliant templates, individual archive pages for posts, comments, and posting by email. In 2006, Blogger opened its latest version in beta, codenamed (Invader) alongside the gold release. It has been migrated users to Google servers and included some new features and version of Blogger was taken out of beta. Now in 2010 Blogger allowed users to publish blogs on other hosts, via FTP. All such blogs had (or still have) to be moved to Google's own servers, with domains other than Blogger is very easy and simple you can create free blog as a user I have been using blogger blog since last 07 years I have never found better service than the Blogger. You can create free account and earn money by Google Adsense and other Affiliate Marketing Programs. There is not necessary to purchase costly domains. In this article I describe step by step tutorials how you create free Blogger Blog, if you want to create account in blogger first go to www. create your email account than read following great and useful tips to make free Blogger Blog.

1. Blogger Blog is very simple and easy for further process of Blogger account go to for new users “Get Started” Button for more guidance show picture is given below.


2. After completion of above procedure make your account procedure and filling up form for Blogger Blog for more guidance and understanding follow the picture shown blow:


3. Now I advice that fill up above form with carefully alongwith  Gmail email address if you are new this is your first Blog a confirmation email will be sent in your Gmail account and you should be confirm your email address and than after completion of above form press "Continue" button.

4. After completion of above procedure follow the picture given below and fill up the form and write your  Blog Title with carefully for example you want to make Music Blog keep the title “ Blog Music and Entertainment” the title of your blog should not be longer and make Search Engine Friendly Blogger title for more information read my useful article Change Blogger Title Tags.  Now you are ready to write your URL Address before making of blog you should be prepare planning yourself that what type of category of blog want to make than select the domain name according your category because you have already selected your Blogger Title “Blog Music and Entertainment” and now you should be select URL address, if this domain is available it is ok otherwise change your URL according Blog title.


5. After completion of above procedure now should be choose template for your Blogger Blog , I have already explained that Blogger has given great facility to the users and also recently Blogger introduced nice and great Search Engine Friendly templates look at the  picture given below and select one template from these. I can not suggest you other templates you should be select Bloggers templates only.


6. I hope you have chosen one suitable template from Bloggers own templates for further procedures follow the pictures given below and press “Start Blogging” button and now you are ready to make your first post.


7. Start belogging now create your first post in the picture given below how to start your first post for example you want to make your post on Video Song, you should be ready by minded that the stuff related Video songs are available in your stock. First write title of your post follow the picture given below. 


 8. Now you have create lot of posts in your Blogger Blog and your new blog is ready and you want to earn money from blogger blog. In this regard if you want to add Google Adsense on your new blogger Blog apply for Google Adsense and introduce your new Blog to Google. It will take some time for approval from Google, before submission of Blogger Blog for approval check your Blog posts, make sure that the posts of your Blogger blog are not consisting duplicate stuff. For example if you add any article from other blogs you should be reference it shortly. I think 01 or 02 months time will be taken from permission of Google during this time you should be prepare and improve your articles. Google is very fast in this matter if found any mistake in your Blog they refused your approval application, I advice that before applying for Google Adsense make your Blog more useful and on quality contents.

9. I further describe that if Google has approved your application for Google Adsense on your Blog after that how you add Google Adsense on your Blogger Blog go to Blogger Dashboard, and then Design and Page Elements follow the picture given below and click on green letters “Publish ads with Google Adsense”.

10. If you have successful in the above procedure look at the picture given below for more guidance and information and press “Next” button and check on “Display Ads on Sidebar and posts.  


11. After completion of the procedure above finally you will look the picture given below and press “View Blog” Button that Google Adsense  will be appeared in your Blogger Home Page.


12. Finally you will see that Google Adsense will be shown on your Home pages Sidebar and Below of the posts see in the picture given below. If you want to add Google Adsnese manually please read my article Google Adsense Tips and Tricks.

I hope this useful article on Free Blog Blogger will be very useful for new Blog owners, if you like it please leave your comments. 


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