Wednesday 16 March 2011

How to add Blog Traffic Feed to blogger

By this useful article you teach that how to track visitors to your blogger blog and also identifies that what pages are visited. How much traffic has been visiting on your Blogger Blog  if you want to know for this you can use Blog Traffic Feed free Feedjit  tracking tool that tracks visitors to Blogger Blog in real time and identifies what pages are visited. This Blogger lesson will be teach you how to insert a Blog Traffic Feed Free  Feedjit widget to your Blogger Blog which will track where visitors create from and what pages they viewed. Adding a Feedjit widget to your Blogspot blog is simple and takes less than 3 or 4 minutes. This lesson is appropriate for  beginners and new Blog owners. Feedjit monitors traffic to your Blogger blog  and ranks it based on reputation and significance against the traffic received by other Feedjit users in your local area. There is a choice of special widgets: Live Traffic Feed, Live Traffic Map, Recommended Reading, and Page Popularity. Each of these widgets has different functions.  

Blog Traffic Feed Widget for Blogger

The position of  widget on your Blogger blog of the last 15 visitors. Now click the real time link you can essentially view the last  40  readers and visitors along with the keyword search phrase used to discover your blog . The Traffic Map widget places visitors and readers to your Blogger Blog on a world map according to their physical location.

Blog Traffic Feed Feedjit Recommended Reading

The Recommended Reading widget makes proposals to visitors and readers about what other blog posts they might be interested in based on general page attractiveness.

Blog Traffic Feed Feedjit Page Popularity 

The Page good looks widget lists the most popular pages that have been accessed by visitors on that day.

How to insert a Feedjit Live Traffic Feed Widget (Gadget) to Blogspot

1.    Visit Feedjit and choose Blog Traffic Feed Free  Live Traffic Feed after that click on the customize it link under Live Traffic Feed. This will permit you to enter colors to match the theme of your blog. If you are in distrust I have found that the simplest way to obtain the custom colors of  blog is to go to the Layout > Page Elements screen in Blogger and click on Add a Gadget and then Adsense. Starting the configuration screen that pops up you can get the colors of the background, border, title (heading in Feedjit), URL, text. If you utilize these same colors in your Feedjit widget it will mix together with the rest of your blog. You can preview your widget to create it looks as you would like it before inserting it to your blog. Repeatedly insert the widget to Blogger choose the click to insert to Blogger link and follow the directions. Or to manually insert which I myself desire right click the code in the box under the heading Live Traffic Feed and choose copy.

2.    Navigate to Layout > Page Elements in your Blogger Blog if that page is not already open and choose insert a Gadget in the Sidebar and after that HTML/Javascript.  Then paste the code by placing the mouse in the box and right clicking and selecting paste and save the widget and afterward using the drag and drop feature of Blogger move it to your desired location. Note HTML/Javascript widgets are best placed after your other widgets for faster loading.

3.    Now in this way save Template and click on View Blog to view newly created Feedjit widget and click on Options in the Feedjit widget and then Ignore My Browser otherwise the widget will record your visit each time you view your blog. The option on the widget will now change to Stop Ignoring Me which you can reverse by clicking on the link once more. If you use more than one browser you will need to tell Feedjit to ignore you for each browser.

This useful article will be very informative for new bloggers and other friends also, if you like it please leave your comments. 


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