Monday 14 March 2011

How to drive traffic for blogger by other resources simply

By this useful and informative article you will teach that how to drive free blog blogger traffic quickly and easily. Every Blog owners try to get more and more traffic for their blogs but if you did not know the correct tips of getting traffic you can not do so, how to get blog traffic this is not easy method but you require to work hard for getting traffic. By this article you will teach with easy step by step tips and tricks. There are millions of bloggers that give the idea a shot but then finally give up because they sense like nobody is reading them. Now do not discourage it is easy to get blog traffic and to increase loyal readers if you are willing to keep blogging. Here are following methods that you can use to get blog traffic. 

Use of RSS Feeds.

Your blog will come with built in RSS abilities, and you should make sure to be taking benefit of these. The easier it is for people to donate to to your blog, the easier it will be for you to get blog traffic when you require it.

Write and Quality Content Articles  
Websites and blogs alike are both hungry for content, so if you are willing to deliver this content, then you really cannot go wrong. You will earn new traffic every day, and this flood of traffic will begin as soon as your first article has been posted.

Give Comments to Others Blogs. 

Blogs are designed to act as conversations. If you have imminents to insert to a conversation, or a comment that you want to create, by all means, make it. Leave your e-mail address and a link back to your website, and you will essentially be able to get blog traffic merely by participating in online conversations somewhere else on the internet. This is a rapid, easy and interactive way to get blog traffic when you are looking for more visitors to your website.

Use Traffic Swarm 

TrafficSwarm is in the same layer as BlogMad and BlogExplosion. Its totally free to link and can help you as you start to build traffic to your blog. Just for signing up you'll get some free credits that you can redeem to get people to visit your blog. Then you can also earn additional credits by surfing other TrafficSwarm users' blogs. A great way to get ideas from other people's blogs, leave comments (with a backlink to your blog) and get some traffic to your site in return.

TrafficSwarm also lets you sign up for a free subscription to Revenue magazine, just for joining TrafficSwarm. Revenue is a magazine devoted to the latest trends in online and affiliate marketing.

Build Links with Websites and Blogs

This is risky method for getting traffic to your blog in through by establishing links to your site on other people's sites and blogs. These servers two purposes for your blog. First, a link on someone else's blog or site can be clicked on therefore bring a visitor to your bog or site. Secondly, links on other sites pointing to your site factor into the equations that Google, Yahoo and other Search Engines use to decide the order in which sites are listed in searches conducted on their site.

When you try to develop inbound links it is important to make sure that the links are relevant. For example, if your blog is about music then it doesn't do a lot of good to have an inbound link from a website about vacation spots. Your goal is to get inbound links on sites similar to your blog or, at a minimum, blogs or sites that target the same type of people as your blog.

To begin developing inbound links, do a search for other blogs that are relevant to your blog. If your blog is about Music then search "Music" in Blogger Search or Technorati (two of the bigger blog search engines). Browse through the results that you get and make a list of those that you think are well designed and interesting. In order to get a link on those blogs you will most likely have to give something in return and usually the easiest thing to give is a link to them. So from that list add a link on your blog for each of the blogs that you liked.

Remember that these blog owners don't be obliged you anything for you linking to them, but often if you ask nice you'll get a link back. 

Submitting Your Blog to Blog Directories

This is very great way to build inbound links to your blog is by submitting your blog to blog and web directories. These directories contain literally thousands of websites and very rarely will someone come to your blog or site by clicking on a link in one of the directories. However, including your blog in these directories can in many case help your ranking in search engines (Google, Yahoo, and others ). Don't spend too much time doing this but if you have a little free time they are worth looking into. Please read most useful article How submit Blog in Blog Directories
Get Traffic from Social Media Sites

Now Social Media sites going to main support to get traffic, specially Web 2.0 has come to its full effect on the net and it can be seen on the sites like stumbleupon, digg, facebook ,Myspace and many other networking portals present on the net. With rise of web2.0 social media sites can't be overlooked if you are looking for a long time haul in blogging. Actually your blog can also be regarded as a mini social site where you put your opinion forth and readers put their own opinion through comments. Social media sites are not only effective in bringing your blog to limelight in short span of time but also it has potential to long term and consistent hits on your blog. But how to use them is a big question that need s to be answered. Here I will discuss just the basic points that you need to remember while using these sites. Choose a social site that meets your need. Not all social sites are suited for everyone. For example , Digg is best suited for those bloggers who write about news items or tech stuffs. A blog about shoes might not get anything in Digg. So, be choosy in deciding the social sites. For most of the bloggers stumbleupon is quite suited. It has a large number of categories ,so, there is all liklihood that your blog will be accommodated in one of those categories. Use these sites to help others- One f the reasons most of the bloggers fail in these sites is because their action is driven by making traffic or sales. Please keep in mind that social media sites are a place where people share stuffs and socialize. So, over promotion on these sites can bounce back on you by bringing a bad reputation to you and your blog. Network with other like minded people to vote your posts I don't find anything wrong in asking people to vote your posts. But don't do this for every post you have written. Just do it for a post that you think is useful and is value packed. For more information read useful article on Social Media Sites.

This article will be very useful for new blogger owners and other friends, if you like it please leave your comments. 


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