Sunday 20 February 2011

How to modify Blogger Post Title Tags

By this most useful article you teach that how to adjust blogger post  title tags for better SEO tips. If post title tags are  not  Search Engine optimized properly you can not drive traffic and also your Blog disadvantage compared with other Blogs.   How you will optimize your Blogger title tags ordered by post name first this is the real way according the rules of Blogger seo.  I have checked that lot of beginners and new blogger owners did not take any attention on the right procedures and mistakenly they ordered their blogger title tags followed by blog name first.  I think this is not perfect for famous Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing and others. If you have succeeded in the setup of title tags according natural SEO modules which are explained in this article your position will be more highly in Search Engine results. This is not suitable if the order of your blogger title tags comes first in the result of page ranking because most Search Engines gives importance first word of a title.

Now how you solve  this complicated problem this is very easy tweak to your template. Now turn around the position of blogger name and post page title. If you implement on this strategy you will be success to get higher rank in Search Engines. Now login to your blogger blog  at and navigate to Design > Edit HTML. To avoid from mistakes take backup of your template by downloading it any place of your computer. Make sure that you have uploaded your template before these changes. Search following code line in your Blogger template press (Ctr +F) command for this purpose.


First select the following code press (Ctr+C) command for copy and (Ctr=V) for paste on the replacement of above codeline with carefully. Make sure that you have inserted code on right place of your template.

First select the following code press (Ctr+C) command for copy and (Ctr=V) for paste on the replacement of above codeline with carefully. Make sure that you have inserted code on right place of your template. 

<data:blog.pageName/> <br /> <data:blog.title/>


Now click on Save Template when you will see that the above code changes in the format is shown below:

<data:blog.pageName/> <br /> <data:blog.title/>


If you are getting trouble in above code lot of templates did not accept especially old templates. You can solve this problem easily the word item in the above code covered it in double quote marks “item” followed by the single quote mark for more guidance look at the following code.

<data:blog.pageName/><br /> <data:blog.title/>


Now look at the above code with carefully in my experience I have verified that if you are using new template or old template it is very useful for both. Now save your template and returned back to HTML of your template that the above code looks like the format is given below:  

<data:blog.pageName/> </span><span style="font-family: "Arial", "Helvetica", sans-serif;"><br /> </span><span style="font-family: "Arial", "Helvetica", sans-serif;"> <data:blog.title/>


After that finally you have done now and go to “View Blog”, navigate to an individual post page title is first tracked by your blogger title. I think now you are relaxed and reversed the position of the Blogger name and post page title according Search Engine friendly. I hope you have implemented this page title tweak further I advice that continue to carry excellence content you are on your way to get higher search engine rankings in major Search Engines. 

The above trick how to to change post pages title tags for better seo tips will be useful for new blogger owners and other visitors, if you like it please leave your comments.



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