Sunday 20 February 2011

How to include Social Media buttons for Blogger

By this useful article you teach that how to add free Social bookmarking buttons to blogger blog and drive traffic easily and quickly and also better SEO tips. Adding of  Social bookmarking buttons to your blogger blog you will facilitate readers and visitors to make links well-known social bookmarking sites like Google, Yahoo, Delicious Facebook, Technorati, MySpace, Digg, Stumble Upon, Reddit, Furl etc. When you will add Social Bookmarking buttons personally in your blogger blog  these buttons enables readers and visitors to share links with others and also  supporting you to drive  traffic. 

Now you teach that how you will place a social bookmarking buttons to blogger blog. By this method you can get profit from free service of social bookmarking and feed buttons builder This free service gives you facility to create code when you place the code any suitable place of your blogger template. For example you can place in blogger sidebar, bottom of the post top of the post as you like.
Now I guide you step by step that how you get  code from  and place the  Social bookmarking buttons code to  your  free blog blogger. The same buttons will be clicked  by visitors and  readers on your blogger blog and you can drive traffic easily.  There is no problem this is a choice of visitors and readers which social site clicked by them for example Delicious, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, MySpace, Stumble Upon, these Social bookmarking sites are given prefer to your blogger blog on line bookmarking service. Once readers put forward your blogger blog to a social bookmarking service like can give you helpful analytics about bookmarking, feeds and emails depending on which buttons you are allowing on your blogger blog. This kind of numerical information from "Add This" will support you put on better considerate to drive traffic on your blogger blog. First register yourself on
1.    Now register a username, email address, password and your Blogger address and after that your signup procedures has been completed and you will receive an email from "Add this"  on your email address. 

2.    After that confirm that your signup from your Email box and click on Get Your Button. This will get you to the create your Button Page and what kind of buttons of sharing and social bookmarking do you like, select the following code and paste it after this code line <div class='post-footer'> .

<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class='addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis

<a class='addthis_button_preferred_1'/>
<a class='addthis_button_preferred_2'/>
<a class='addthis_button_preferred_3'/>
<a class='addthis_button_preferred_4'/>
<a class='addthis_button_compact'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>var addthis_config = 

<script src='' 

<!-- AddThis Button END --></script>
3.    If you have assured that you have entered the code on the right place and check the preview button, when the code of “Add This” Social Bookmarking buttons have placed correctly the social bookmarking buttons appeared below the post. For more information I will discuss following two main methods. 

    1.    Insert social Bookmarking button in a Sidebar

    2.    Insert social Bookmarking button under the each post

    1.    Insert social Bookmarking button in a Sidebar

This is very easy procedure follow the Add This automatic method by clicking on Add the Menu to My Blog button. This will put an "Add This" Social Bookmarking buttons in a widget in sidebar of your blogger blog. Grow your blogger  by adding up a free “Add This” social bookmark buttons which will allow readers to bookmarking your blogger  and share your contents with others. "Add This" will supply numerical tracking of social bookmarking activities on your blogger and will support you to settle on your most famous posts. For more guidance see the following types of buttons, select social bookmarking buttons as you like.


 2.    Insert social Bookmarking buttons under the each post

Now I am going to the main and important procedures that click on blogger post button option  and highlight the Javascript code provided by “ Add This”. Copy the code to the Clipboard of your computer using Ctrl + C command, after doing this open your blog after sign in, navigate to Layout > Edit HTML.  Avoid from inconvenience please back up your template and tick in the Expand Widget Templates. Utilize the Ctrl + F command to open the toolbar which will show at the bottom of your Blogger and select the code line    <div class='post-footer'>  I have already mentioned in the above.

If you have found the code line  to open the toolbar which will show at the bottom of your blogger and select the code line    <div class='post-footer'> in your template then go to “Add This” and highlight the  above "Add This" code or  which was supplied to you during the registration of Copy the code to your clipboard by the Ctrl + C command and subsequently open again blogger window and put the cursor right prior to the tag that you have placed earlier. Paste the Javascript code from “Add This” into the template by the Ctrl + V command.

After completion of above procedure click on “Save Template” and then View blogger blog  from the top menu and find the way to the end of your first post. If all directions have been followed, you will currently have a social bookmarking buttons at the footer of all posts.

I hope this article will be very useful for new blogger owners and you can drive traffic more from Social bookmarking buttons, if you like this please leave your comments.  


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