Monday 10 October 2011

How to add blogger gadgets best SEO tips

By this useful article you teach that several templates permit you to include page elements inside into the blogger header and blogger widgets. If you are not using one of those you can utilize this careful little tweak to place gadgets like a search boxor ad spaces inside the header of your Blogger blog. It allows you to put pretty a great deal what ever you want inside the header.  This is very great tip for new blogger owners and who want to add their blogger templates, lot of blogger templates having no widget so now see the following step by step suggestions and tips how to add blogger gadgets and widgets into the blogger header easily this is very useful for SEO tips.

1. Go to and then Dashboard Design and Edit HTML and ind the following code use (Ctrl + F) command 

2.   Now include the the following code just below that with carefully.

3.  When you will apply the above code then you see the  result should look something like this.

In view of the above Now you should have 02 (two)  sections to the gadget section inside the header. But you will have to position them correctly according the instruction.

4. In order to do this you will want to place the following line of code with carefully

5. Now I advice that include the following code just above it, and I have also mentioned new and older templates codes.

(New Templates)

(Older Templates)

7.   For you information I suggest that if you are using a newer template you need to place the following code as well for your easiness

Just above that code place the code below accordingly.

8.  Finally apply this to your blogger blog and go to Page Elements. In Page Elements you should observe the gadet/widget areas now available. Add a gadget with carefully.

9. Now go back to the code in section 6 and modify the width around in the first 2 lines. Play around with it awaiting it is to your liking. You can just click preview after you changed it to see what it looks like. As for the padding you will need to adjust this to move the gadget around on the blogger blog. You can view my post on padding and margin if you have trouble understanding the values. This is very great and great article you have never seen before.

In view of the above useful article if you like it please leave your comments.

How to increase blogger traffic by Twitter

By this useful article you teach that how you get blog traffic by Twitter, really this is great fun, twitter  is social media site    or blogger site,  you can increase blogger traffic for blogger blog. If you have not any coming traffic to your blogger make your own account with twitter. I think your profile is the second most significant part of your twitter page, behind only the tweets you put out. At this time with the new Twitter design, your background image is a non issue, which creates a good quality profile even more essential. Your profile should a mix funny with a touch of personal and other activities. This will give you the best chance to first, get you more followers and second, send you more Twitter traffic to your blogger blog. Now I suggest that see the following to main points which I have discussed about getting of twitter traffic.

How to get targeted followers

Having targeted followers is the most important thing you can do to make more twitter traffic.  I am also a fan of having a lot of followers too, but does not matter if you have  500 followers or 50,000, if they are not targeted, then you are wasting your time really. It is very simple that if your blogger blog is about Music, then you want to follow mainly women or men who is interested in music. Following only men or women will give you the best chance to have them tweets, and then visit your music blog and finally they like your blog and you can boost more traffic to your blogger daily. Now further I advise that  you are in the discussion, the more people will read and share what you tweet, and the more twitter traffic you will see coming to your blogger blog day and night.

Twitter is social media site your goal really is to construct a small community on Twitter as if it was your blogger blog , then slowly motivate them to visit your blog with great content. I think when your blogger post title clearly explains the content of the post, you get better chances that others will be interested in your blogger post. There is no doubt staying active and your blogger filled with great content is the best way to get more Twitter traffic accordingly.

This method it keeps that increase my blog traffic and you I advice that install blog traffic counter to your blog as many eyes throughout the day, and also let’s me be on Twitter to connect with my followers as I am tweeting, but still gives me time through  the day to walk away from Twitter when I am not tweeting.  It is suggested  that when you only tweet your blogger posts in the morning each time, then you are most likely sharing your post with the same people each and everyday.  So to get your post in front of the most amount of people as you can, then you need to send it out throughout the day and night.

Follow your Stats

The most excellent way to obtain good stats on your tweets is to use a url shortener. I use HootSuite for this and about 10 other cool features. HootSuite is a tool you will use daily and save you a good amount of time. Stats let you see how many clicks your tweet got, and also what time of the day it got and    also modify tweet title for the same post through the day, and  track the stats for both. If you are not too big on the stats, but it is a nice way to get a fast real time look at how more Twitter traffic is going back to your blogger blog.

Thursday 6 October 2011

How to use accurate Google Meta Tags for blogger

 Google Meta Tags are very important and describing the contents of your blogger blog. However, did you recognize that when used correctly, Meta tags and see popular list of meta tags click here are very important can support to increase blogger  traffic of your blogger blog?  Even better, setting up the tags takes little effort and returns a lot of compensations.

Meta tags explained inserted at the top of every blogger posts and you can use meta tag generator click here . They inform the search engines what your blogger posts are all about; and occasionally, they give search engines a brief description to utilize when displaying results about your blogger posts. Recently I have confirmed from SEO experts and other successful blog owners about Meta Tags, one my best friend Mr. Mark James from Australia he is successful blogging expert advised me that Meta Tags are very important like Salt in Food.

Some Website and blog owners would substance keywords into Meta Tags SEO because they were thought to boost  traffic and page rank through popular Search Engines. For a minute, this idea might have been correct; but in two years later, Google authoritatively deserted this theory. Even so, someone who’s sober about growing search engine traffic should accept this plan.

In my experience if you have a clever arrangement of the right keywords, you can very well increase your click through rate. As well, first impressions calculate. So, the users’ first impression of your bog or site will be based on, you guessed it correct, your Meta Data. Now note the following useful tips about Meta tags in blogger blog

1. Meta tags are placed in the <HEAD> </HEAD> part of your HTML documents, specially in blogger templates you can use after this code  <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> now I describe that how Meta Tags look like in blogger templates of your HTML area.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='Blogger Description here ' name='description'/>
<meta content='Blogger Keywords here' name='keywords'/>

2. Google have already given some advised to the blog owners that Meta Data should not be longer than 150 to 160 words if you go over the word limit, chances are your target readers and visitors will feel bored by the long description. I accept this that some search engines, though that allows Meta tags with 200 characters. No doubt that the length of your tags, consequently, will depend on the search engine which are optimizing for and agree on the Meta tags definition length. 

3. Make Sole Meta Tags: It’s doubtful that you’ll obtain a penalty for duplicate content, but it’s always better to have original descriptions. Not only do you stop unlikable penalty, you also have more chances of showing up on related results pages of Google and other search engines.

4. Keep your Keywords Carefully in Meta Tags: Do not repeat your keywords more than three times in one description. Otherwise, Google might punish you. Having descriptions loaded with keywords is one basis for leaving out from the search results. Overload keywords cause break your traffic and also your page rank will be down to earth day to day. 

5.       Avoid from Duplicate Title Tags: Your Meta description should not be a duplicate of your title tag. The key is relating the content of your page in a short and accurate manner, and do not use same title tags which you have used in your old posts are already available in your blogger blog. 

6. Use Meta tags tools carefully: Meta tags tools examines your blogger Meta Tags that are properly settled or not  and also compatible with search engines. The tool checks if your blogger blog firewood to the strategy of search engines like Google. For example, if your blogger title tag goes away from 60 characters, the tool gives you a warning. Lot of tools  designed specially for Meta tags support you to  generate effective page titles, keyword tags and meta descriptions. 

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Insert side by side coloring pictures in one row to blogger post

By this useful article you teach that how you add coloring pictures side by side in blogger blog easily.   You can add nature pictures, pictures of flowersfunny pictures, pictures of carspictures of dogs, pictures of cats, pictures of hearts etc in one row simply and esilyYou are new blogger owner and you are trying to obtain pictures into your blogger posts side-by-side fashion but you did not know about this function how to manage it. There is no option available for some reasons, if you want to add two pictures side by side in blogger blog, you will have to go into the HTML of the post itself, but do not be troubled, it is very simple first you should be get free host of your picture or image through free image hosting service for example and then you will, however, have to do include the new code every time in other words. Now I give you step by step suggestions and tips. 

1. Go to and then open Dashboard and click on the Posting Tab. When you first open the Create Post section, it will automatically be in “Compose mode”. Now click on  HTML mode, you will want to click on the HTML tab, which is right beside the Compose tab. Both of these tabs are on the far right, just above the tool section look with carefully.

2. After that click on the  HTML section and then paste the following code and to replace the "insert your jpg link here" shown in the code with your own link of free hosting image or picture.

3. When you will insert the image free hosting url in the above code the same code will look like the following see an example.

4. Now you have completed the above function with HTML code, you can check the pictures by clicking on the Compose tab with carefully the result will show your pictures in the posting area side by side you can manage it more pictures to change the some directions in the above code easily. 

5. Now you can write the post of your blogger blog and want to add pictures in HTML section it can be very tricky to navigate the blog post HTML. If  you are not trained with HTML, it can be quite confusing, and accidental errors can make the whole post unreadable, so do yourself a favor and start by inserting pictures  and then composing the posts with carefully. If you have implemented on above article you can increase blogger traffic easily. 

Monday 3 October 2011

How to select keywords seo for blogger posts

By this useful article you teach that how to select good keywords, meta keywords, adwords, top keywords, keywords seo, keywords generator, java keywords and other best keywords for your blogger blog for best SEO tips and tricks. I think One of the basic thing is to require to consider when you are doing your blogger blog optimization for using of keywords to specify search engine spiders what your posts are about. The more relevant to the page’s content, the better the search engine ranking. I have read lot of programs in this regard and also changed Meta Tags but  Keywords are very important and also  Keyword optimization is part of  SEO, which means that it is a part of the optimization you will create your blogger blog code and other necessary requirements of keyword optimization.

What you should recognize correct from the begin is that keywords can provide your blogger blog posts to increase in rankings or get your blogger blog top in the result of search engines. It all comes down to how well you are using them and how related they are to your content. In my experience there is no  doubt that you appreciate that how important top keywords are and that you are prepared to create better use of them. Now I describe following main and top points I have researched in my 07 years of experience in Search Engine Optimization.

1. Think about using of keywords related to your article, if the keywords are someway related to each other, that’s a plus like (Internet Promotion of Business, online Promotion of Business, Search Engine Promoting of Business).

2. You should be use different keywords for different blogger posts. In most cases, Search Engines will come back two results from your Blogger Blog , so having five or six posts optimized for the same set of keywords would be a waste of content only.

3. Write your articles and use most important keywords in the title tag specially, but with the right keywords in mind, not the other way. In other case if you are using a SEO plugin, you can set a different page titles for your blogger posts.

4. I thinks this is great idea and good search engines optimization rules that use those keywords in the Meta description also and this is great way to boost page rank in Search Engines.

5. Try to make your permalink as short as possible and use  keywords in the title of your blogger post blog post and preferably to keywords in the first phrase or paragraph of your article.

6. In my experience search that what your old posts are popular give backlinks of your news posts with your old posts this is great way to boost page rank high also and selected keywords as anchor text (same goes for external incoming links).

7. Do not use duplicate keywords in your Meta Tags use proper placing a list of comma separated keywords in your title tag and META descriptions also. Write something accepted and attractive for your visitors and readers.
8. Do not use keyword stuffing and also avoid from overload keywords to your blogger blog posts. I think is negative  experience and will probably get you penalized by search engines.

9. Keyword optimization is part of a much better and compound procedure of Search engines, select most important keywords and should use most keywords in the starting of your paragraph and end of your posts. 

How to add beautiful subscribe widget to blogger

By this useful and power article you teach that how to add Special Subscription section to free blow blogger easily. This is great and easy way to engage your visitors and readers to share your content and also you can drive more traffic to your blogger blog. Are ready to share your contents follow the following instructions with carefully and also you can add easily blogger subscribe button, chicklet creator feed subscription button maker, javascript share button, youtube subscribe button,  bookmark button etc.

1. Login to Blogger, then go to Dashboard –> Layout --> Edit HTML.

2. Find the tag </head>

3. Copy the code you find below and paste it just before the above tag.

4. Now go to Layout --> Page Elements and click on "Add a gadget".

5. Select "HTML/JavaScript" and add the code given below, then click save.

Note: Please replace "Your RSS Feed URL, Your Feedburner Email Subscription , Your Twittor with your URLs.

Look at the following box as a example:

I hope the above article will be very useful for new blog owners and if you like it please leave your comments.

Friday 30 September 2011

SEO tips and tricks to get blog traffic

This useful article teaches you that  how to get blog traffic to your blogger, then you will benefit from the tips in this series, which are designed to show you the necessary steps for how to drive traffic to your blogger blog. When you have the right tips, tricks and resources in your arsenal, then that is when you can truly be successful in obtaining traffic to your blogger blog. There are following tips all that you need to keep in mind when it comes to learning how to increase blogger traffic. 

Create Blog Roll in Blogger Sidebar

You should be publicize links for your favorite blog sites online every time so blog roll is necessary in your blogger sidebar. Let the bloggers know you put them in your blog roll and you may just get a little bit of reciprocation in return.Do not hesitate to say other link your blogger blog with their blogs, I have already discussed that backlink is necessary to drive traffic.

Post Links of Blog Posts and other Blogs

Your blog should be linked with relevant blogs and blog posts alongwith  your posts when you are creating blog content. Creating links and references to other blog entries and blog websites will actually increase blogger traffic to your blog just as well as to the blogs you’re linking and blogger site. This is especially useful when track backs are used because it lets the blog owner and their readers know that you mentioned them.

Write Meaningful and Short Blog Posts

Write short blog entries that are short without compromising value and that are interesting, even in a small space. This will allow you to improve your ability to blog more frequently for an increase in blog traffic. Don’t be afraid to continue offering comprehensive studies and lists as well, occasionally and keep one thing in mind that short story of the material will be easy to understand others.

Refer top ten posts in new post

I advice that when you write an article of the same blog refer your top ten or other posts in the same article  and  promote of your most popular blog postings when you are blogging. Write a post that details your top 10 or 10 most popular blogs of the best. Refer to your best blogs in newer entries when the subjects are relevant, or reference old posts while updating the information they contained and also show links of your most oldest posts. 

Make your own Newsletter 

This is great source of coming traffic that create a newsletter that operates separately from your blogger blog, and invite your blog readers to become subscribers. Now you have a new way of advertising your blog, as you can link back to your blog in every newsletter that you send and also mention your blogger in other media sources

Advertise your Blog Offline

I think offline methods for promoting your blogger blog just as often as online methods. Make sure that your auto signature, your business card and any other marketing or print materials that you have are adorned with your blog address so that people can find you online more easily and this is great way to get more traffic to your blog according my experience.

Update Key words 

 This is very good attention to your blogging traffic reports that learn from the statistics that you receive and use that information to update the keywords that you use accordingly. The more that you are able to fine tune your writing to your blog traffic reports, the better the results will be in the future and also judge keywords and set every time in your blogger HTML section.