Wednesday 18 May 2011

Seven Secrets about make money with google adsense

By this most useful article Seven Secrets about make money with google adsense is very profitable for new blogger owners and I have unveiled all secretes about it. Presently my blog Blogger School is providing free training to all blogger users in all over the world. I am trying my best to give original and useful articles to all visitors and readers according my vast experience in the field of blogging. I am not doing blogging for make money but my zeal and enthusiasm in this filed. In this regard my blog is going on good position and I am very thankful to all visitors from all over the world they have given good response to me. All visitors and readers already known that I am Asian and use simple English and simple words which are well to understand for all bloggers.  Further I discuss that do you  know well that Google Adsense is the most uppermost paying ad system in the World of Web. I have received lot of emails from visitors all over the world they are facing lot of problems to get approval of Google Adsense by using free blog blogger blog. To see the requirement of all visitors and readers  and blogger owners this article disclosed all secrets, if you will read it well and implement on these instructions you will success to get the permission of Google Adsense urgently. Nowadays every blogger wanted to have a Google Adsense grant account, it keeps provide you frequent revenue every month. Before applying for Google adsense permission read Google Adsense TOS with carefully and also read another related and useful article How to get Google Adsense approval  quickly and easily or more guidance. Now I will disucss the following main and important points step by step read with carefully. For more information you can read also like google adsense secrets download,google adsense blog, make money with google adsense,google adsense information,google adsense tutorial videos,adsense tips.

1.   Apply one time not hurry up

Constantly apply one time for Google Adsense Account, normally  Google team  respond in 5 to 6 days. If you put forwarded your application to Google Adsense team and you do not  get any grant or refusal email from Google. I think you should be waiting and avoid applying time to time and not disturb to Google team to send more emails. In this regard Google team will give you reply email about your application  refusal or accepted.

2.    Check following points your blogger is correct

i. Your free blog blogger is not under construction condition
ii. Your blogger posts not less than 50
iii. Read Google TOS before applying
iv. Save your free blog blogger from Duplicate stuff
v. If you take any stuff from online give reference or take permission from owner of the stuff otherwise you banned and Google will not consider your application
vi. Use new Gmail Account and do not use other services emails.
vii. Make sure that your free blog blogger is 06 months old

3. Write articles in English Language

 English is popular language in all over the world Google prefer English specially before applying for Google Adsense, keep in mind that the English of your articles are correct you are not getting spelling errors and Grammatical mistakes. One more important thing is that your articles associated with your blogger titles, really this is very serious mistake correct it before applying.

4.    Update free blog blogger daily

Now you have applied for Google Adsense do not sit silent start more blogging and write minimum one artice daily should be consisting on original material and profitable for others and also this is good way to promote visitors and readers.

5.  Make sure your Identity is correct

Now you are going to get sanction for Google Adsense, if you are new how you fill application form, please read this useful article how you apply for new account of Google Adsense. Further check that you have written your home address is correct or not fake the address will be reviewed by google adsense team. One more thing is important is that your free blog blogger address and your Google Adsenese account address should be match.

6.    Do Not post Duplicate Material on free blog blogger

You are new blogger you want to get your approval of your blogger blog urgently and quickly. Write your own contents and do not copy from other blogs and Web sites. Google team is very active if you have got taken any duplicate material you will be banned and your application will be rejected. When you are applying Google team checks your contents and articles with carefully. This is main reason of rejection of application you are using duplicate material because it  is totally wrong and is not allowed, therefore if someone applies as a new publisher account for a new blogger blog  with copied content then it would be rejected at a time. Save your blog from duplicate stuff.

7.    Do not apply for your friends and others from your System

This is your main mistake I clear that you should never apply for a Google Adsense Account for your friends or others from your own Computer.  Also the application page would even record your IP address, therefore to be on secure side forever recommend the individual who is looking to get an Google Adsense Account to apply for the same themselves. Let’s go the present rules for the application of your new account as per Google Guideline. Remember that you can not apply from one system or computer for Google Adsense because only one IP address allowed for one Google Adsense Account, if you did not care in this regard your application will be rejected, check that you have not applied before from same IP address.  

I hope the above  (seven) secret points will be very useful  for new free blog blogger owners and visitors who are interested to get Google Adsense permission quickly. If you like this article please leave your comments.


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