Tuesday 24 May 2011

How to check backlinks and signature below of blogger site feed post

By this useful article you will teach that how to check backlinks and signature below of blogger site feed post. I have surveyed online and checked lot of blog owners and website owners try to use theft contents. I have judged that contents often theft by your blogger Site feed post.  This is not good practice, I think lot of persons complaint that Google team closed their accounts without any reasons. As such complaints duplicate contents are the main reasons to close Google Adsense accounts. You want to try that you can save your contents from others, really this is impossible, lot of persons take illegally stuff from internet and use  theirs blogs and Websites accordingly. If you can not save your contents from illegal activities you can do as  a signature bottom of each RSS feeds post.  If you want to burn your blogger feed  click here. You will get the profit from signature that if you content theft but your backlink will give more credit and also main search engines like, Google, Yahoo, Bing  finds your contents another blogs or websites it will get an issue of duplicate material. I advice that show backlink of  free blog blogger along with your signature. If visitors and readers will found your backlink they will return back to your blogger blog and you want to  increase blogger trafficc easily. Now you are ready I give you step by step suggestions and tips how you add singnature and backlink  in the end of your blogger post and your feed also. You can also read more about backlinks like: free backlinks, backlinks checker, backlinks generator, angela backlinks, buy backlinks, backlinks google check backlinks and find backlinks.

1. First open www.blogger.com  and then Dashboard, Settings and after that click on Site feed and see the following picture and set it with carefully.

2.    It is suggested that select your choice to "Full' in "Allow Blog Feeds" and also in  "Post Feed Footer" you can write your any text or HTML codes according your choice which code you want to display below of each post of your blogger feed so you can write your own signature and inserting a backlink to your free blog blogger. Now see the code below this is the example and guidance for you how you add signature and backlink in each post of blogger feed of your free blog blogger.
The unique post is on <a href=" http://ganhwar-bloggertips.blogspot.com/   "> The Blogger School</a><br/>
&#100; copyright, 2011. Share it, but link back to this blog.<br/>
With best compliments
In view of the above code change your blogger url according your blog URL, Blog title and your name also in the above shown code and click on save settings with carefully now you will be done. I hope this article will be very useful for you, if you like it please leave your comments.


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