Saturday 28 May 2011

How to add beautiful facebook icons to blogger

By this useful article you will teach that How to add beautiful facebook icons to blogger. I have checked that Facebook Like and  Send buttons are very popular in the strarting of the post and end of the post. I thinks this is great source of increase blogger traffic to your blogger blog. There is no doubt that facebook is very popular for the publicity of your blogger blog and you have guessed that thousands of visitors submiiting their blogs on facebook. Now you learn that how to do it, and I give you step by step suggestions and tips how you add facebook buttons in free blog blogger. I have received many emails and calls  from friends and visiters they desire to insert two or three Facebook buttons and links to  blogger post. Ok right you are businessman and want to grow your blogger blog on facebook, it is easy way to insert the facebook buttons. Now you are intending to make your account on facebook. Now you are registered with Facebook and login easily give your complete detail according your choice and also share your free blog blogger with facebook friends and now you want to add Facebook LIKE and SEND button on your blogger blog starting of the post and footer of the post. Now see the following instructions how you insert Facebook buttons in free blog bogger. If you want to teach more about face book icons read also like: facebook share button, facebook badge, facebook button for website, facebook logo, facebook chat icons.

1.    Through your facebook account go to facebook developer page, there is a question where is developer page. Through your main account page go to link and then click on (share your sites) and now you will move to Facebook developer page for more guidance see the picture has given below:

2.    Now fill the above form and get  XFBML code  for Facebook buttons and then through your blogger template and go to blogger Dashsboard and select the Design option and then Edit HTML option. Select the Expand Widget Templates option, select the code from Facebook developer page and paste it after  this code line <data:post.body> and also search this by (Ctr+F) command in your blogger template, if you are interested to add starting of blogger post.

3. I have seen that lot of blog owners have added Facebook buttons in the footer of the post really this is very good practice to increase blogger traffic for you blogger blog. Now search this code line <div class='post-footer'> and insert  your selected code after it in your blogger template. If you have any problem to get the code from Facebook developers page use the following code and you can see the sample in the footer of the posts of Blogger School.

<div style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<div id='fb-root'/><script src='http://connect.facebook.

font='arial' href='
send='true' show_faces='true' width='450'/>

3.     In view of the above code, I have tested that this code is working properly and easily. Note that changes the URL shown in the above code in green colors replace it with your blogger URL. If you like this tip please leave your comments.


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