Friday 27 May 2011

How to change blogger header size

By this useful article you will teach that how How to change  blogger header size.  Lot of persons and blog owners want to modify font size of blogger title in header, because more templates showing bad look due to small and ugly fonts. I have checked that small tile in the header is not better for blogger SEO tips and tricks. Now I am writing this article to see the requirement of the friends and other blog owners. Blogger header is main and important place for your blog because visitors and readers prefer your blogger header. Now I suggest that keep your blogger header title in large fonts, it is better blogger SEO tips and tricks. I have taken advise from SEO experts that blogger header title is performing key role in your traffic because peoples want to know about your blog as in the header Blog title and description must be shown in bigger fonts for easiness for your visitors and readers. Now I have tested one code is better to solve this problem and also I give you step by step suggestions with simple language for your better understanding see the following instructions. 1. What type of font size will be looking like in your blogger header you should be match with your blogger header, because lot of templates have different headers and different fonts, I have changed the font size in 40px of  The Blogger School blog  because this size is suitable for my blogger header, you should be change according your template design. You can also read and take information about like:  cute blogger header, blogger header design, blogger header image, tutorial blog blogger, header image beside blog title, change blogger header.
2. Now I advice that see the following code in your blogger template first go to and then open Dashboard, Design, Edit HTML and tick mark on Expand Widget Templates with carefully and search the following code in your blogger template.

#header h1 {
margin:5px 5px 0;
padding:15px 20px .25em;
font: $pagetitlefont;

3.  In view of the above code now add the font size in the code has given below. I have changed font size of my The blogger School Blog (font-size:40px)
and you can increase and decrease the size also according you choice.

#header h1 {
margin:5px 5px 0;
padding:15px 20px .25em;
font: $pagetitlefont;
font-size: 40px;

It is done now you judge that I have added the green line in the above block code and now you can change the size of blogger title in your header according your choice really it will be useful for better blogger SEO tips and tricks
 for your blogger blog.

 I hope this useful article will be very profitable for new blog owners and others friends, if you like it please leave your comments.


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